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Bishop Creighton Academy

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About Our Academy

I am exceptionally proud to be the Executive Principal of the Bishop Creighton Academy. Our dedicated team of staff and the wider trust have one end goal – to enable every child in our academy to be the best that they can be. Our academy has a positive, forward-thing culture.

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  • This is a rapidly improving school. The senior leaders, including the trust, have been successful in improving teaching and pupils’ achievement.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018
  • Pupils make good progress from their starting points in English and mathematics and across a wide range of other subjects. Disadvantaged pupils achieve well across the school. They have done particularly well in reading and receive a good level of support.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018
  • The curriculum, including additional activities, provides pupils with a broad range of learning experiences that enable them to enjoy school. This prepares them well for life in 21st century Britain and for their next stage in education.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018
  • The quality of education in the early years is good. Effective leadership and teaching ensure that pupils make good progress from their starting points.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018
  • Extra-curricular and enrichment activities are a strength of the school. There is a wide range of clubs that pupils can attend. A variety of visitors to the school contributes positively to learning and has helped pupils think about what careers they would like in the future.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018
  • The school’s culture is focused on making Bishop Creighton Academy a safe place to be. Pupils said that adults are kind and caring, and that it is easy to talk to them if they have a problem... Staff work tirelessly to ensure that every child is cared for.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018
  • The principal, with drive and determination, has developed a vision which sets clear and high expectations of staff and pupils. There is a positive, reflective, forward-looking culture in the school.

    Ofsted, Feb 2018