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Bishop Creighton Academy

Whizz, Pop, Bang!

This week has seen an array of firework themed activities!

We have started the second half term off by learning all about fireworks and fire safety.

In literacy we have read a beautiful story called Sparks in the Sky. This is about a girl called Bo who goes to her first firework display with her family and is in awe at what she sees. The children have used a story tray to retell the story and create their own stories using the stick puppets.

The children have also been making name rockets where they have written each letter on a square of paper which were put together to make the body of the rocket. This was such a popular activity that the classroom quickly filled with rockets!

In maths we have been counting rockets and learning to add 1 more. We used paint to create fireworks then added 1 more, saying how many there were. 









In our outdoor classroom the children have been using the ribbons to make fireworks using a range of gross motor skills such as circles (clockwise and anti-clockwise) as well as horizontal and vertical lines and arches. This led to firework dances on the stage with both ribbons and pom poms accompanied by an array of firework sounds such as Whoosh, fizz, bang, crackle.

In expressive art the children have made their own fireworks using junk modelling. These will look beautiful displayed on the wall on top of black paper that the children have decorated with paint splats and flicks of paint.

Click here to see our gallery of Firework Fun!