Superhero Writing!

Over the last few weeks, Year 6 have used their laser focus to improve their independent writing!
In Year 6, we work really hard in order to complete our SATs. We finished our reading, maths and GPS SATs back in May, however writing is a little different! Year 6 do not need to sit a writing test paper, in actual fact, all of their independent writing from across the year is used as evidence instead! Over the past few weeks, all of year 6 have worked incredibly hard to really focus and edit their existing writing. The children have done lots of silent, independent work. They’ve also spent time working with their peers, editing each other’s work by identifying areas for improvement.
Now, as we get closer to July, lots of the children have a beautiful portfolio of their best writing! Some of the genres include: persuasive letters to Mrs Redhead; a discussion text based on children and social media; narratives inspired by Pobble pictures and non-chronological reports about World Cup countries!
What brilliant work Year 6, a big well done to you all!