Anti bullying week

Last week from 13th - 17th November was Anti bullying week. Year 5RC took part in anti bullying day activities, where by we wore odd socks to school by showing 'we are all different but the same'. Read on to find out more!
Anti bullying Week 2017 was held between the 13th and 17th November and was organised by Anti-Bullying Alliance. The theme was to promote difference and equality in schools with the tag-line 'All Different, All Equal'.As you know the effects of bullying can have a massive impact on all individuals, whether that is at school, work, college or socially.
Anti bullying week was a great way to get involved, take a stand against bullying and raise awareness in our school.. Bullying doesn't just affect children but adults too! At Bishop Creighton Acedemy we took part in 'odd sock day' to raise awareness that we are all different but equal.
In 5RC we had an interactive PSHE lesson, where we spoke about the effects of bullying, our feels and what we can do to stop this.
We designed posters to put up across the school to show awareness of bullying. We all enjoyed creating posters and speaking about our feelings!
Together we can stop bullying!