The Big First Aid Lesson Live!

Class 4MD learn all about what to do in an emergency to develop their roles as responsible citizens.
Just a few days left until fireworks night, so class 4MD have been taking part in the #bigfirstaidlesson!
The lovely folks at St Johns Ambulance set up a nationwide first aid lesson with big names in TV (including my favourite, Dr Ranj) and livestreamed it straight to the classroom! Throughout the lesson we learned that anyone can provide first aid, and people who know what to do in an emergency can save lives!
One of the key things we learned about is what to do with a burn. Sometimes, accidents can happen when adults are not around, so it is important to know what to do if people need help straight away. We found out that if someone has a burn, the best thing to do is to place it under cold running water. This cools down the burn and the burn should stay under the water for at least ten minutes. If needed, the burn can then also be covered by a clean plastic bag or cling film to keep it safe until help arrives.
We also learned about how to help someone who might be choking, including what to do to get further help. We learned about how to call the emergency services, and what kind of information we would need to give the ambulance service.
Providing first aid and calling the emergency services is a very big responsibility and shouldn't be taken lightly. The first thing any person should do in an emergency situation is to make sure they they are safe, and to find help if they are not sure what to do. This might be from a trusted adult, but if nobody is around, calling 999 is the last resort.
The whole class enjoyed the lesson, and have said that they all feel much more confident in finding help, and helping others, if the worst should happen.