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Bishop Creighton Academy

Our learning - Summer 2015

The Spring term has flown by and we are about to start our final term together!

Due to the nicer weather before the Easter break the children have been spending lots more time outside and have noticed the plants in the garden. They have been eagerly watering them regularly to help them grow big and strong. They have expressed a keen interest in planting more flowers and growing some vegetables to eat.

During the first half term we will be using the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' as a basis for our learning. We will learn to retell the story using actions to remind us. We will be planting beans to see if we can get them to grow as tall as Jack's beanstalk. I wonder if we will find a giant at the top? Each week we will look at how the plants are growing and record this in our own bean diary.

In maths we will be using magic beans to help us with our counting and to explore doubling, halving and sharing. We will be measuring using giant footprints and ordering objects by length. We will also begin to learn to tell the time to the hour as well as remind ourselves of the days of the week and what we do on different days.

Our role play area will be a flower shop (indoors) and a cafe (outdoors). The children will get to use money in both role play areas, something which they really enjoyed learning about last term.

Our artist study will be Van Gogh where we will focus on his 'Sinflowers' painting. Using a range of media we will create our own observational drawings of flowers.