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Bishop Creighton Academy

Our First Week!

We have just completed our first full week at school and what an adventure we have had!

After only eight days in school, our new Little Penguins are already very settled into life at BCA and have been very busy exploring their new indoor and outdoor classrooms as well as getting used to the rules and routines of school.

The week started with a focus on how amazing our bodies are! We used mirrors to look at our beautiful faces and name the different parts that we could see such as mouth, eyes, nose, ears, hair, head, chin, cheeks, and we also counted how many of each we have. We were relieved to know that everyone in the class has 2 eyes and just 1 mouth. Gabija made a very important observation when we were counting noses; "I got 2 noses" she said as she pointed at her nostrils, so we have also learnt the word 'nostril'.

Using pencils we sketched pictures of our faces. We have also used play dough to make models of ourselves and family members.


The weather has been amazing this week so we have been making the most of the sunny weather to explore our wonderful outdoor classroom. The children have enjoyed drawing chalk self-portraits in our special gallery.

We have also been exploring letter moulds in the damp sand. Anas pointed at the 'A' recognising it as the first letter of his name.















Our week ended on Friday by joining the rest of the academy in dressing up to celebrate Roald Dahl Day! The story of "The Enormous Crocodile" was our focus and we have been finger painting crocodiles and also developing our scissor skills by cutting very sharp zig-zag teeth.

What an amazing week we have had! Don't forget to read our blogs each week to find out what we have been learning!